
News From HQ: Learning from Our Neighbors


With Sun N’ Fun in the rear-view mirror and a promising summer ahead of us, it may be time to look inward at our flying clubs to determine if what we have been doing for all these years it what we should keep doing in the future. Club Spotlight and Aircraft Spotlight this month highlight Mohawk Flying Club up in Michigan weighed their current fleet with their members’ needs and decided to make some changes for the better. This month’s Question of the Month is a must read for any club member concerned about securing the future of their club.  Lastly, our Safety Section covers the weighty topic of Owner/Mechanic relations and how we can work with our maintainers to ensure safety and fairness.


More Clubs=More Flying

Our series of Maximum Fun, Minimum Cost presentations continues to be a big hit! We presented in Cleveland, Ohio and Trenton, New Jersey earlier in May and look forward to many more great seminars in the coming months. Be sure to look for an email from the Flying Clubs Team if we are doing a seminar in your area.

First Workshop in the Works

Steve and Drew are gearing up for our first Flying Club Workshop coming up next month on June 5th. For details, please visit our Events Page.

AOPA Club Connector Staff
AOPA Club Connector Staff writers and editors are active flying club members, pilots, flight instructors and aircraft owners who have a passion for bringing you the latest news and topical articles from the world of flying clubs. Club Connector is the official newsletter of the AOPA Flying Clubs Initiative.

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