
News From HQ: Expensive Jackets, Priceless Memories

Spring Club Seminars in Full Swing up North     

Our northeast flying club blitz is off to a great start! Last week we presented a Maximum Fun, Minimum Cost seminar to the Decatur Illinois area and featured a local club-The Decatur Aero Club. The event was well attended and generated lots of interest in the benefits of flying club. If you live in the northern Midwest or Northeast, be sure to check your email for one of these events. Our next presentation is in the Cleveland Area on April 27th.

Start Off on the Right Foot with Member Checkouts

Steve and Drew, your flying clubs crew were back in the studio recording another great episode of Flying Clubs Radio earlier this week. This episode discussed how the initial checkout of new club members is a great opportunity to introduce them to your club culture and procedures. We talked about aircraft quizzes, custom checklists, mentorship, and more!

Workshops Arriving Soon

Be sure to check the AOPA Events Page for upcoming Flying Club Workshops. Our first workshop series kicks off in June and continue through July. We hope to see you there!

AOPA Club Connector Staff
AOPA Club Connector Staff writers and editors are active flying club members, pilots, flight instructors and aircraft owners who have a passion for bringing you the latest news and topical articles from the world of flying clubs. Club Connector is the official newsletter of the AOPA Flying Clubs Initiative.

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