Whether there are three or 100 members, one of the great benefits of a flying club is the opportunity to share knowledge and experience on a regular basis. From time to time, it’s also beneficial to find programs and products that boost pilot proficiency and hone specific skills. But where to begin? Enter the AOPA Air Safety Institute
Safety Spotlights online before your next safety meeting.
These spotlights pool free aviation safety content from the
Air Safety Institute (ASI) and the
Safety Alliance (formed by ASI and other well-known aviation education providers in the industry), so there’s no need to scour the Internet for this material. Instead, the Air Safety Institute provides a common platform that organizes this high-quality, safety-focused content and makes it a breeze to find the information neatly arranged by topic.
There are 24 spotlights that pull together courses, accident case studies, real pilots stories, quizzes, videos, instructional tools, downloadable reference materials, and publications. The subjects cover areas from aeromedical to collision avoidance to runway safety and more. Let’s say your club’s focus for the next safety meeting is on instrument proficiency and your members would like to brush up on
instrument flying techniques. There’s a spotlight for that.
Or perhaps some of your members have expressed an interest in reviewing communication procedures. Look no further than the “
Radio Communications and ATC” spotlight. With spring just around the corner, it may be a perfect time to dust off some rust before kicking the tires and lighting the fires. The “
Flight Planning and Preflight” spotlight can help.
With something for every experience level—whether certificated pilots, student pilots, or flight instructors—honing skills has never been easier. So as an officer or member in charge of club safety, make it a point to tap into the spotlights now. Visit the
ASI Safety Spotlight website often for the latest in general aviation safety education. New programs will be added regularly.