If you or any of your flying club members are instrument rated (or aspire to be), you’ll want to check out the AOPA Air Safety Institute’s newest online course – IFR Insights: A Practical Approach.
IFR training teaches us to focus on flying the airplane within very precise parameters. But it often overlooks practical tips that help to reduce pilot workload. That’s where ASI’s course comes in. By taking the course (https://www.aopa.org/lms/courses/ifr-insights-practical/#01-introduction&01-real-world-perspective), you’ll expand your IFR airmanship and learn the finer points of flying safely in the IFR system. You'll discover techniques and procedures used in the real world by seasoned pilots, instructors, and air traffic controllers.
The course includes video interviews with experts who share tips on communicating clearly and concisely, dealing with inflight emergencies, and anticipating weather changes en route.
Other topics covered in the course include standard instrument departure procedures, obstacle departure procedures, staying ahead of the airplane, departing from VFR-only runways, and missed approaches.
If you’ve always wanted tips from the experts, now is your chance. Gather your flying club and take the course together at https://www.aopa.org/lms/courses/ifr-insights-practical/#01-introduction&01-real-world-perspective.
Safe pilots are always learning, and the Air Safety Institute’s goal is to ensure pilots have a wealth of information to keep flying safely. Our educational programs are funded through donations from pilots dedicated to forwarding that mission. Show your support by donating to the AOPA Foundation today (www.aopafoundation.org/donate).