
News from Headquarters

Welcome to the New Year!

The AOPA initiative to promote and provide resources to flying clubs is beginning its third year. Year one was dedicated to identifying what the U.S club environment is, doing solid research, building a club network to share information, and determining the value of expending hard-earned AOPA assets to promote flying clubs.

Year two began with the sharing of research and working with many clubs to determine which challenges are most important to them and how AOPA can help. To name a few achievements:

  • The AOPA Flying Club Network was in full swing with a membership approaching 500 at the end of 2013.
  • The Club Connector Newsletter was launched.
  • AOPA met with NATA and FAA to begin the long process of working on the regulatory challenges to flying clubs.
  • AOPA was able to get insurance underwriters to agree to a special program to provide affordable insurance to clubs and fill the wide void between partnerships and commercial operations.
  • AOPA also made headway on financing programs for clubs.

We always knew that flying clubs were a viable way for pilots to enjoy more flying less expensively and to provide a format for social interaction and the fun part of aviation camaraderie. The enthusiasm of the clubs to embrace the AOPA Flying Club Network is exciting.

In 2014 we will continue to grow the network. A start-up kit for new clubs will soon be available. Aircraft financing for clubs will be refined; workshops and meet-ups will be conducted around the country; resources and information to assist clubs in all areas of business and operations will expand; and our webinar series will continue. In addition, we will go forward with an exciting program, tested in 2013, to offer inexpensive right-priced aircraft to clubs.

Looking forward to a great 2014.


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