
ASI now offers downloadable safety presentations

Chances are, you’ve participated in one of the Air Safety Institute’s free safety education programs—either online or at an in-person seminar. With more than 1,000,000 contacts into the pilot community each year, the Air Safety Institute has tremendous reach. But, we can’t possibly get to every city. Our in-person seminars are presented in 100 cities nationwide, based on the locations with the largest pilot population. If you don’t live near one of those cities here’s your chance to present safety education to your flying club—and we’ve already created the content for you!

The Air Safety Institute has launched a new way to bring content to large group, even if you don’t have an Internet connection. Just visit this link to select the program(s) you want, download them, and you’re all set for your next flying club safety meeting. All we ask is that you let us know, after your meeting, how many people were in attendance.

Among the options are:

  • What Went Wrong seminar - This PowerPoint presentation was a popular nationwide Air Safety Institute seminar series. Starting at the scene of the accident and working backwards from there, the audience participates by acting as the accident investigator to determine what went wrong and why.
  • No Greater Burden video - In this documentary-style video, Russ Jeter shares the story of his personal tragedy. Find out what led to his aircraft accident that claimed the life of his son, and learn what every pilots needs to know to avoid a similar situation.
  • Accident Case Studies examine general aviation accidents by re-creating them using actual ATC-pilot communication, radar weather images, and Microsoft Flight Simulator. Lessons learned are outlined and serve as a great conversation starter with your flying club. From VFR into IMC to weather datalink delays, case studies offer in-depth analysis of accidents and their causes.
  • Real Pilot Stories are the tales of incidents and accidents, told in the pilot’s own voice in the hopes that other pilots will learn from their experiences. From an underwater escape to a VFR-only pilot trapped on top of a cloud layer, these stories are sure to open dialogue and encourage flying club members to share their own personal stories with your group.
  • Ask ATC videos - In collaboration with NATCA, this series of videos is an opportunity to listen to frequently asked questions answered by actual air traffic controllers.

New content will be added quarterly, so if you don’t see the program you want, be sure to check back often.
Many ASI products are eligible for Wings credit and AOPA Accident Forgiveness. In addition, you may download certificates of completion from your ASI Transcript.

The Air Safety Institute is a division of the non-profit AOPA Foundation. Funding for ASI safety programs comes from the generosity of pilots like you.

Topics: Training and Safety, Training and Safety, ATC

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